Hi Choir Director....

Is your choir struggling with:

  • Lack of choir members that lowers the quality of music
  • Several voices 'stick out' and there's no blending in your choir
  • Choir members are unmotivated or give you a hard time

Are you trying to:


If you answered YES to any of these points,


Get Choir Essentials Training Program

My Story

Hi, my name is Dr. Michael Carney and I am a full-time Choir Director, Conductor and Organist.  I have been leading choirs and coaching singers for over 20 years. 

About 12 years ago, I was under a lot of STRESS because my choir program was mediocre at best: I barely had enough singers to do 2-part harmony.  And even if we could pull of 2 parts, the lack of blend made them sound......icky.

I deeply wanted to find answers to improve my choir and save my reputation.  I tried all the regular places: music conferences, magazines, and even YouTube Videos.  Even though I found some new "tricks", I didn't have the right tools and techniques to get my choirs sounding professional while singing in HARMONY.  Plus, I didn't have enough singers to carry the parts...




At the time, I compared myself with this successful director...and it made me feel worthless and stupid.

But, that pain I felt also motivated me to search for answers

The bottom line is… NOT knowing how to grow a choir and get them sounding great feels bad.  It's embarrassing.  It leaves you feeling like you have no power and you think “is it me?”, “am I good enough to do this?”

And on the other hand… KNOWING how to build an awesome choir program feels GREAT.  

*It feels good to get more members in the door…

*it feels good to teach them how to sing in harmony and sound good…

*it feels SO good to have people telling you "I love the music program here" and "the choir sounds better than ever"… 

It just feels good knowing how to get a choir sounding good.  And most important of all, it's WORTH LEARNING.

The reality is: it's not your fault.  Unfortunately, the big publishers try to sell us "easy music to get your choir sounding good" BUT their primary goal is to make $$$ through their publications.  They say that their music will make your choir sound good.  Sadly, that's not true.  That's like saying this piano will make you play better...ya right!

There simply isn't a good, affordable education system that can teach choir directors the skills they need to be successful and feel great about their music program, UNTIL NOW....

Introducing...  My "Choir Essentials Training Program"


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The world's best online training program that will teach you how to RECRUIT more members, TRAIN your choir to blend their sound and MOTIVATE your singers to learn music FAST.

This is an online course that will take you from a where you are today to having a high quality church choir that people WANT to join.

So, what's in the program?  See below the "15 Core Training Videos"

Get Instant Access to Choir Essentials Training Program

What Is In The Program:

15 Core Training Videos + Essential Warm Ups

Module 1: Recruit

*Choir Grow Kit: Double Your Choir or Recruit from Scratch

*Youth Choir Builder: 5 Strategies for Working with Youth (And Parents)

*Building a Robust Choir Program that Sustains and Grows Itself

Module 2: Teach

*The Guaranteed Teaching Method for Any Song

*Teach Any Harmony: A Step by Step Method

*How to use Choir Warm Ups to Increase the Skill of Your Choir

*How to Teach a Choral Anthem (Rehearsal by Rehearsal Breakdown)

*How to Structure a Choir Rehearsal from Start to Finish

*How the Choir Library Works (Tour) and How to Organize Weekly Anthems

*My Favorite Warm Ups for Choir

*How to Teach a Choir Parts (SATB)

*How to Conduct Using Hand Gestures

Module 3: Shepherd

*Shepherd Them, O God: Working with 'Difficult Personalities'

*Brownie Points: 8 Things You Can Do That Choir Members Love

*How to Manage Challenges in the Rehearsal Environment

Module 4: Essentials Choir Warm Ups

*My "Go-To" Warm Ups for training my choir to improve their posture, breath support, healthy vocal production, diction, blend and focus! These Warm Ups have helped me train singers of all ages and for me, are the "best of the best".

"Dr Mike, my choir is growing because of your teachings" -Davidson

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"This was the answer to my prayer for guidance. I truly appreciate your direction! I have watched the recruitment section and I can't wait to start my second year this August with more vision about what to do!"

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"As a music minister of 40 years, I have found the Choir Essentials program a valuable tool providing fresh and innovative approaches to long-established methods as well as new and contemporary concepts for music ministry in the 21st century.  I highly recommend this program to anyone in church music and academic curriculum.

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"I ordered Choir Essentials and it's totally awesome!  I'm glad I jumped right on this.  I can't wait to try out a couple o the suggestions and watch my choir improve."

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I'm thoroughly impressed. This is really a unique product and I'm blown away by how professional it is! Wow wow wow.”

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"I have no doubt that this video training program will be invaluable to many choir directors.”

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"With his knowledge and experience Mike has been a great resource for me as a music director.  Mike's expertise continues to guide me along the way.”

I thought long and hard about how much I should sell this program for.  I really want to create as many successful choirs as possible.  So, you're not going to pay as much as that one conference you might attend and may get a couple useful pointers for the $2,000 you spent!  You won't even pay $1,000 or even $500.  My program will provide an invaluable return for a modest investment.


Why only $297? That's like the cost of a handful of voice lessons or an inexpensive getaway.

I want you to have a thriving church or school music program.  I want you to have extra time to be creative and have your choir sound amazing, without a huge hassle.  I want you to be able to have more time for your family.  If I could go back in time to when I didn't know these methods, I would pay thousands for this information because it saves so much stress and time.

I'm going to be completely honest with you.  My system isn't going to work for everybody at all times.  Sometimes you use the system in a church where there are more people in the choir than in the pews and it won't work.  But, these Choir Essentials have worked wonders for me and I've been able to quickly build several choir programs that sound great.

But I can tell you this, if you don't make your money back several times over, or if you aren't thrilled with this resource for any reason, I will give you a full refund if you ask within 60 days.  No questions asked.  This program isn't for someone who likes to buy courses like this and let them gather dust on the shelf.  It's important to me that you're not someone who rather talk about improving your program than actually doing it.

By the way, if you sign up for Choir Essentials Training Program today, you'll also receive my BONUS MATERIAL section where I've included several training videos that are geared towards saving you massive amounts of time and energy.

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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Choir Program

15 Core Training Videos

Several Hours of Video Training

Step-by-Step Recruiting Methods, Announcements, Fliers

Specific Techniques to Teach Harmony, Lead Rehearsal and Build Your Dream Program

Review Slides for Printing

3 EXCLUSIVE BONUS (see below)

Get Instant Access to Choir Essentials Training Program

Order Today and Receive Three Free Bonuses ($1200 value):

Bonus 1: Advanced Vocal Technique Training Program ($1000 value)

I can't believe I'm giving this away FREE - it's so awesome! Unlock the power of your voice and elevate your choir's performance with this exclusive bonus: an entire course on Advanced Vocal Technique! Discover the secrets that professional singers use to improve their breath support, resonance and diction. This course will equip you with the tools to understand and fix any vocal issues that arise with your choir. 

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Bonus 2: Five Perfect Songs for Beginning Harmony With Your Choir ($100 value)

Every church "choir teacher" has their go-to songs that they know will sound great.  Here are 5 of my selections that will give you the fastest harmonies and be the easiest for your choir to learn.  These are great for beginner and intermediate choirs that can sing 2-3 parts (but not usually 4+ parts).  You can do some of these songs with just a few people and they will sound good.

Bonus 3: Expressive Conducting using the Laban Method ($100 value)

In this training video, I will teach you how to learn expressive conducting using the Laban method! Elevate your conducting skills as you master the art of expressive gestures. By learning conducting techniques tailored for choir direction, you'll be able to convey musical ideas to your choir without having to say anything. This will help them create meaningful 'performances' that are inspired by your gestures! Laban was a dance choreographer and created a method of expressive movement which conductors have used to become more expressive.

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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Choir Program

15 Core Training Videos

Several Hours of Video Training

Step-by-Step Recruiting Methods, Announcements, Fliers

Specific Techniques to Teach Harmony, Lead Rehearsal and Build Your Dream Program

Review Slides for Printing

3 EXCLUSIVE BONUS including:

1) Advanced Vocal Technique Training Program

2) Five Perfect Songs for Beginning Harmony with Your Choir

3) Expressive Conducting using the Laban Method

Get Instant Access to Choir Essentials

I want you to ask yourself, what would it do for you if you could have the tools, the techniques and the know-how to build a great choir and get them sounding incredible?

What would it be worth to you if you knew that you earned the respect from members of your church or school because of your successful music program?

Imagine you invest in this program and three weeks from now you show up to choir practice and....

  • you realize you need more chairs because you got new members
  • the choir members are bubbling with energy and new life
  • you start rehearsal and within minutes teach your choir a new song with 4 parts.  They sound amazing.

You think about where you were just three weeks ago, and where your choir will be one month from now, and one year from now.

You can make the choice not to go in this direction, but your choir will sound the same next year and the year after.  You will continue looking for "easy choir music" in all the same places... or maybe you will read a magazine article but you and I both know that it's not the magazine that will improve your program, it's the skills and techniques that you bring to the table.

Now is the time to TAKE ACTION and improve your choir ... investing in my Choir Essentials Training Program is the best way to do it.

Your Friend,

Michael Carney

About Dr. Michael Carney:  I've been leading church choirs for nearly 20 years.  I was a middle school chorus teacher for 5 years and grew the program from a few singers to 70% of the school (almost 200 singers!).  I took what I learned from that experience and applied it to a new choir director position, where we grew the program from 0 members to 40+ members in very little time.  My techniques have had so much success, I am able to teach others how to get the same success.  I have a Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree in Conducting and I am a fulltime Church Music Director.  Let me help you with the Choir Essentials Program to get you what you need to grow and improve your church or school choir program.

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Get these PLATINUM bonuses when you join Choir Essentials Training Program PLATINUM today!

Platinum Bonus 1: Magic Fixes for Choir Rhythm, Pitch, and Vocal Blend training ($100 value)

Any person listening to a choir can instantly hear issues with rhythm, pitch, and vocal blend.  They may not know what is wrong, but they can tell something is off.  An experienced choir director can fix these issues in seconds...  And, most of them use the same basic tools.  When you first see a professional choral director make these adjustments, it's like watching magic happen before your eyes.  In this session, I'm going to teach you the fastest and best ways to instantly fix issues with rhythm, pitch and vocal blend.

Platinum Bonus 2: Organization Nation: 6 Strategies That Will Save You Hours Each Week ($100 value)

Did you know that Music Ministers ranked #5 in Stressful Jobs That Pay Badly (article on CNN Money). Ouch. What that says is that most churches are putting a lot of stress on their choir directors. However, there are some that seem to have an easier time balancing the many hats we have to wear. In this session, you will learn how to save hours of your valuable time when working with choir programs.

Platinum Bonus 3: 45 Minute One-On-One Zoom Call with Mike ($300 value)

Let's hop on a 45 Minute Zoom Call where we can talk about your choir program, specific challenges you are facing or anything else. I have over 2 decades of experience leading choirs and can help you strategize, learn and make a plan to reach your goals. 

Order Choir Essentials with PLATINUM Bonuses
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